Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

Basic Niche Marketing Strategy

A niche marketing strategy might be a term that you have never heard of before, but not to worry, it is a very simple, but effective concept. It basically the idea of focuses on a small tagerted group of people with a common interest instead of marketing your product or service to a broad match. What you will find is possibly less customers, but more sales because the conversions will be so much higher.

To help you better understand how you can increase your chances of business success by developing a niche marketing strategy, let me explain the concept further. Let’s use the example of expensive skin care products.

You may think that marketing your product to every single woman is going to help sell more products. This in correct. You’ll spend many hours and lots of money marketing to an enormous group of people who don’t have the kind of money necessary to purchase your skin care products. Wouldn’t that time and money be better spent on those who CAN afford it?

When you spend less hours and time marketing to women in the corporate world or in the professional world (to give you a few examples) who have the money to spend on your skin care product, your chances of selling to them increase dramatically.

This is what is known as niche marketing. You find your little niche and focus your marketing efforts on that group of people. As you can see in the above example, your chances of business success increase dramatically by developing a niche marketing strategy to reach the people who want and need your product. Not to mention, if you can spend less time and make more money it’s bound to be positive, right?

The key to developing a niche marketing strategy is to find the people who have the money to buy your product, need your product and are willing to buy it. You may have to do a little research at first in order to find these people, but once you do, you’ll be able to market directly to them, increasing your chances of increased profits.

Now, you might be asking yourself, “That’s great but what if my product will work for a larger audience? Why limit myself?”

You may be right. Your product may be something you can offer various groups (niches) of people. If so, that’s wonderful, but I still suggest you focus on the niche that has the highest probability of purchasing from you first. Here’s why:

Once you’ve made some money using your niche marketing strategy, then you can begin marketing to a larger group of people followed by an even larger group. After a while, you might find yourself marketing to the entire country and then the world, but now you can do it on a budget you can afford without sacrificing

So, next time you think that niche marketing isn’t going to help lead you down the path to business success, think again. Just like anything else, start small and work your way up for the best results. You’ll be glad you did in the end.


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